This Blog is a companion to my author's Blog and my writing practice Blog. As a writer I try to read regular to improve my own writing and learn. You can learn a great deal about me from what I read and what I think about what I read. If you wish to purchase one of this books please use the link provided. At that point if you are looking for the book in a different format or price point you can search it there. I will still get credit. Please don't use the links Facebook piggybacks onto my posts there. I receive no compensation from them. You can also click on the Pico's Book Shop ad to access Amazon and search for any book you like.

Pico's Book Review Policy

  1. I reserve the right to say no to review requests without explanation. I read and review whatever I feel like. That may include requests at times. My time is limited and until I get a Kindle reader I can lug around with me. I can't do many ebooks.
  2. I have no inclination to read or review either horror or erotica. If a book is full of vampires or zombies even if it is not horror, I won't look at it.
  3. I am unlikely to review your book if I have to buy a copy. A lot of reviewers charge for their service. I don't. I won't have time to do many reviews on a request basis but will likely do some especially for friends. Please keep in mind. My time is valuable at least to me and my family and I am broke. If you are looking for critique on a work in progress, I do that on WDC. There I exchange chapter reviews hoping for opinions on my own work.
  4. If I don't think your book is worth at least three stars out of five, I won't publicly publish a review. I honestly don't think that benefits anyone. If your book is in my opinion much worse than that I'm unlikely to finish reading anyway.
  5. I don't publish reviews on books I haven't read.

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