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Saturday, 14 February 2015

Escape From Warsaw

By Ian Serraillier
5 Stars
Historical Fiction
Teen to Adult

This is another book from my children's Sonlight homeschooling curriculum. I only have a few more of them to complete. Actually I finished reading them I just have to compose my reviews.

This is a fictional account of a Polish family, the Balickis based on actual accounts from people who survived this period of time. It is a story of a family separated and finally reunited. The family starts out in Warsaw which is overrun by Nazi Germany. They were liberated by the Russians. By that time the family was spread across Germany, Switzerland and Poland not knowing whether they were all yet alive.

I have one objection and I don't think it was the author's fault or choice. The book was originally called The Silver Sword referring to a small piece of jewellery that appears throughout the story and has great symbolic significance. I think the original title was better than the one later foisted on the book. The didn't really escape Warsaw as much as left.

That aside the book is very good and there are important lessons throughout the book. I enjoyed the story a great deal and recommend it.


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